Omar specializes in helping people get out of their own way. With over 15 years experience in addiction recovery his combined NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), personal development and emotional healing work, he accomplishes fast and effective results and has helped hundreds complete their journey of self-discovery. If you are struggling with emotional distress, feel unfulfilled in your life, overwhelmed with anxiety and frustration, are unable to stop using unhealthy soothing methods such as alcohol in order to cope with life day to day, then it’s time to set up a free consultation with Omar today.
Listen to the Omar Pinto Coaching Podcast
In the Omar Pinto Coaching Podcast, Omar Pinto provides you with practical tools, spiritual principles, and ways to help you overcome whatever may be holding you back.
Omar has been featured on Podcasts such as:
Specializing In:
Mindset – Performance Coaching
Our beliefs shape our reality. What you believe about yourself and the world around you is based on years of programing, family upbringing, dogmatic indoctrination, media propaganda, educational institutionalism, just to name a few. When we fall short of the standards imposed on us as individuals we start to believe that we are failures, and no matter how successful we become in our own right there is still a feeling that no matter what we accomplish it’s not enough, the underlying belief is that you are not enough. And this where mindset-performance coaching comes into play. I coach individuals on how to break the current belief systems holding them back in order to maximize performance and bring balance into there personal life.

Trauma & Emotional Healing
Deep-seeded wounds from our past can affect us in our relationships, familial life, social life, and practically every other aspect of our daily living. Emotional healing work assists you to dive in deep and uncovers issues that help us understand past experiences, and to also resolve them. With emotional healing, these traumatic events no longer dictate our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Addiction Recovery Specialist
Sometimes we get stuck in patterns of using substances and maladaptive behaviors to cover up past hurts and traumatic events from childhood. These behaviors take a toll on each life it touches. With addiction recovery coaching, we take a look deep within, finding the root cause of your addiction, maladaptive behaviors, and learn to to develop new coping mechanisms and begin to change the legacy of your life.

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Each week, you’ll receive the latest Omar Pinto Coaching podcast and new tips on how to find inner healing and improve your life for good. Be the first to know about new specials and personal development insights in real-time.
I first reached out to Omar in January of 2108. I had hit a wall. I was 18 months sober. I was struggling with how to move forward in sobriety now that my life is put back together and needed a recovery coach. I mostly was struggling with “my purpose” in life. A good friend of mine put me in touch with Omar, so I reached out. At first, I struggled with the idea of a “coach,” I mean I consider myself a successful guy. Why do I need a coach?
Then I put my ego aside. Then I struggled with the idea of how much each session costs. It didn’t take me long before I added up how much I was spending on Starbucks and lunches with clients to debunk that excuse. Once I got myself mentally past all the roadblocks we were able to get down to work. Omar has opened my eyes to a world I had been closing myself off to. He has helped me with my limiting beliefs about myself and my business. He has helped clear away some anger and resentment I had been holding on to with my wife for over 5 years. That was a game changer.
My marriage is now flourishing because of ridding myself of that burden. There have been many unintended surprises along the way with Omar. I can honestly say that it has been an amazing 6 months with “O”. There is still more work to be done so I will continue to see “O” for as long as it takes. Omar has made it possible for me to flourish spiritually, emotionally and financially! I have made a lifelong friend, mentor, and recovery coach. My wife and I are eternally grateful! I highly recommend you stop kicking the tires and put your ass in the seat next to Omar. You won’t regret it!!
I have been listening to the SHAIR podcast for the past two years. I love the podcast and listen to it often, the podcast has allowed me to build up the courage and confidence to start addressing my addictive behaviors and to actually make it out to meetings. The meetings alone weren’t cutting it, I wasn’t able to talk openly about me, to get inside of the reasons why I would feel so compelled to continuously jump back into the same old routine bad habits.
I needed something more, something new, I needed to talk to someone, I needed help. I recall hearing O mention some one-on-one coaching services as well as an online community for extra support in the SHAIR podcast intro. I finally remembered to check out this website and came across the coaching page. I read through the options and at this point I decided, I need to make an investment in myself, I had nothing else to lose and everything to gain, and besides you get to connect with the man, Omar himself!
This has been the best investment I have ever made. My anxiety, fear of failure, negative self-image, and stress levels were through the roof when we started. Now I can’t even imagine that old life I was stuck in. Today I feel clean, clear, motivated, relaxed, happy, and able to breathe fresh air on the other side. Not only do I feel better, I have some tools to rely on that weren’t there before.
If you’re reading this and want to make some immediate and high impact changes, this is it, make the leap and never look back.
I heard Omar on a podcast and was immediately drawn to his energy and direct approach, as well as his training in Neuro–Linguistic Programming. In our first consultation, I felt like he saw into my soul. I felt vulnerable and exposed—but also incredibly safe with him. He doesn’t sugar coat it and he calls you on your BS in the best possible way.
He opened me up and made me face myself and realize that the thing that I thought was holding me back was not the actual thing holding me back. He helped me to explore aspects of myself that I didn’t have the courage to face—because I wasn’t ready to deal with the disruption that change would cause to my life. He helped me to see myself through his eyes and gave me the power to face the things that needed to change and I would never have gotten to this place without him.
I am stronger, more confident, joyful and at peace. I am ready to launch my new business and welcome what the universe has coming to me. I cannot say enough good things about Omar nor recommend him more highly. I have had other therapists, coaches, etc and none can compare. He is simply the best and I will forever be grateful for his sage advice.